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Vocabulary Term Definition
Canned Cycle A sequence of machine operations initiated by a single G code. Canned cycles act as shortcuts that simplify the program.
Clearance Plane A common term for the distance specified by the R level.
Conversational Programming A programming method that allows an operator to machine a part by responding to a series of questions and prompts. Conversational programming does not reveal the actual program codes.
Counter boring A hole-
Depth Of Thread The distance between the top and bottom of the thread.
Dwell An intentional time delay during which the rotating tool remains in contact with the work piece. A dwell can be used to improve the finish of a hole.
Initial Level The imaginary plane parallel to the X-
Lead The linear distance that the tool advances with one rotation of the spindle.
Live Tooling Power-
Mode A programmed function that stays in effect until it is either canceled or substituted with another function.
Multiple Repetitive Cycle A canned cycle for the lathe that uses a single block of code to automatically execute a series of tool passes.
Peck Drilling A drilling operation that periodically retracts the tool to clear chips or flood the hole with coolant. Peck drilling is often used for holes that are three or four times deeper than the drill diameter.
R Level The imaginary plane parallel to the X-
Spot Drilling The use of a shorter, sturdier drill to locate a hole for drilling. Spot drilling often uses a drill size slightly larger than the hole diameter to leave a chamfer after the hole is drilled.